
GAPCOMB research members have a wide experience on outreach and dissemination of science

Part of the outreach of the group is published through the webpages of two network initiatives we coordinate:

- Outreach@RandNET

- Recent trends@DAM Network

The following activities have been developed by different members of the GAPCOMB research group (since 2017)

Dissemination books

J. Rué is the author of the following outreach books:

- El hombre que quiso entender el infinito: Ramanujan. Collection Genios de las matemáticas. RBA Editorial. In Spanish, French and Italian.

- El impulsor de las matemáticas de la colaboración: Erdös. Collection Genios de las matemáticas. RBA Editorial. In Spanish, French and Italian.

- Combinaciones, nudos matemáticos y los secretos del genoma. Collection Las matemáticas del mundo actual (2021). RBA Editorial. In Italian.

 - La revolución digital y el análisis de Fourier. Collection Las matemáticas del mundo actual. RBA Editorial (2022). RBA Editorial. In Italian.


Appearances in media (radio)

Group members had appeared in several media talking about mathematics for a general audience.

- G. Perarnau appeared in the program Via Lliure (RAC1) on 21.08.2021 talking about probability and the notion of luck (link), and in Radio Estel on 22.12.2021 talking about the mathematics behind lottery (link

- L. Vena appeared in Radio Estel on 22.02.2222 talking about arithmetic properties of the calendar (link).

- A. de Mier appeared in the Podcast "Dubtes Existèncials", 10. La forma de les coses, dealing with the geometry of daily objects (link)

- G. Perarnau appeared on 19.12.2022 on the Program La Caravana (Radio Estel) talking about Loteria (link)

G. Perarnau appeared on 14.03.2023 on the Program La Caravana (Radio Estel) talking about Mathematics International Day (link)


Appearances in media (newspaper/published articles)

Caos, orden y preguntas no resueltas para Pi, el número más importante de las matemáticas (J.Rué, joint with A. Timón). El País (14th March 2023, in Spanish)

- Los misterios de los conjuntos de Sidon (J.Rué, joint with A. Timón and P. Candela). El Pais (10th August 2021,  in Spanish). 

- El Premio Abel reconoce las relaciones de la matemática discreta con las ciencias de la computación. (J. Rué). El Pais (18th March 2021, in Spanish) 

- Cómo visitar dos millones de estrellas en el menor tiempo posible. (J.Rué). El Pais (23rd November 2020, in Spanish). 

- En las estructuras muy grandes siempre aparecen patrones (J.Rué). El Pais (20th March 2020, in Spanish).

- Muere Alan Baker, el explorador de los números trascendentes (J.Ruéjoint with A. Timón). El Pais (2nd March 2018,  in Spanish). 

- El matemático mejor relacionado del mundo (J.Rué). El Pais (15th May 2017, in Spanish).

-El matemático que hay detrás de Google Maps y AmazonCristina Sáez. La Vanguardia (7th February 2019, in Spanish) (J. Rué and O. Serra appeared giving some remarks on Lazló Lovász work).

- The art of counting - Interview with Mireille Bousquet-Mélou (J.Rué). Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society, December 2017.

 Other publications

- De la teoria de grafs clàssica a l’anàlisi de les grans xarxes, J. Rué, "Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques", 21 Desembre 2023, vol. 38, núm. 1, p. 67-105. 

- How to construct experiments: The quest for random combinatorial designs, P. Morris and G. Perarnau, IMTECH Newsletter, Issue 6, p 30-33.

 Vocation in STEM studies  

- Estalmat: G. Perarnau and J. Rué collaborate actively in this STEM project targeted to talented high school students.

- Mathematical Olympiads: J. Rué has been involved with the Mathematical Olympiad (at Catalan, Spanish and international level) for more than 20 years.

- Anem X + Mates: J. Delgado has given several talks as a part of this program in the last years. 

- Mathematical Summer Camp: G. Perarnau and J. Rué have taught lectures in this summer school attended by talented secondary school students. 

- Cangur: G. Perarnau is member of the committee of Cangur Catalunya, one the most important mathematical contest for primary and secondary school students worldwide.