See the webpage of the members of the group for the whole list of papers of each researcher.
Highlighted papers of the research team
Books, chapters and special issues.
- S.Ball, O. Serra, A Course in Combinatorics and Graphs. Compact Textbooks in Mathematics, Birkhauser, 2024.
- S.Ball. A Course in Algebraic Error-Correcting Codes, Compact Textbooks in Mathematics, Birkhauser, 2020.
- S. Ball. Finite Geometry and Combinatorial Applications. London Mathematical Society Student texts 82, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- J. Nesetril, G. Perarnau, J. Rué, O. Serra (Editors). Extended abstracts Eurocomb 2021. Trends in Mathematics - Research Perspectives CRM Barcelona 14, Birkhäuser, 2021.
- A. Lo, R. Mycroft, G. Perarnau, A. Treglown (Editors). Surveys in combinatorics 2019. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Vol. 456, 2019. Cambridge University Press.
- Speeding up random walk mixing by starting from a uniform vertex, A. Espuny Díaz, P. Morris, G. Perarnau, O. Serra, Electron. J. Probab. 29: 1-25, 2024.
- J. Delgado, E. Ventura, A. Zakharov, "Relative order and spectrum in free and related groups", Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 26(1):2250066, 2024.
- X. S. Cai, G. Perarnau: The diameter of the directed configuration model. Annales IHP. Probabilites et Statistiques 59(1):244–270, 2023.
- S. Ball, R. Vilar: The geometry of Hermitian self-orthogonal codes, Journal of Geometry, 113, Article number: 7 (2022).
- S. Ball, R. Vilar: Determining when a truncated generalised Reed-Solomon code is Hermitian self-orthogonal, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68: 3796--3805 (2022).
- N. Fountoulakis, F. Joos and G. Perarnau. Percolation on random graphs with a fixed degree sequence. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36 (1):1-46, (2022).
- J. Delgado, E. Ventura: Free-times-abelian groups: Stallings automata, intersections and index. Publicacions Matemàtiques 66 (2): 789 - 830 (2022).
- J. Delgado, E. Ventura,: A list of applications of Stallings automata, Transactions on Combinatorics 11(3): 181--235 (2022).
- Y. Chang, J. Han, P. Morris, Y. Kohayakawa, G. Oliveira Mota: Factors in randomly perturbed hypergraphs, Random Structures & Algorithms, 60 (2), 153-165, (2022).
- H. Hàn, J. Han and P. Morris: Factors and loose Hamilton cycles in sparse pseudo-random hypergraphs, Random Structures & Algorithms, 61 (1), 101-125, (2022).
- G. Fiz-Pontiveros, S. Griffiths, M. Secco, O. Serra: Deviation probabilities for arithmetic progressions and other regular discrete structures. Random structures and algorithms 60 (3): 367 - 405 (2022).
- M. Noy, J. Rué, C.Requilé: On the expected number of perfect matchings in cubic planar graphs. Publicacions Matemàtiques 66 (1): 325-353 (2022).
- S.Ball, E. Jimenez. On sets defining few ordinary solids. Discrete and Computational Geometry 66: 68-91 (2021).
- P. Burillo, B. Nucinkis, L. Reeves. An irrational-slope Thompson’s group. Publicacions Matemàtiques 65: 809-839 (2021).
- A. Lladó, H. Mokhtar, O. Serra, S. Zhou. Distance-constrained labellings of Cartesian products of graphs. 304: .
- P. Candela, C. Catalá, J. Rué, O. Serra. On Motzkin's problem in the circle group. Vinogradov Memorial Volume of the Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 314, 44-63 (2021). (Russian version here)
- G. Cao-Labora, J. Rué, C. Spiegel. An Erdös-Fuchs Theorem for Ordered Representation Functions. The Ramanujan Journal 56, 183-201 (2021).
- G. Chapuy and G. Perarnau. On the number of coloured triangulations of d-manifolds. Discrete & Computational Geometry 65: 601-617 (2021).
- D. Fabian, J. Rué, C. Spiegel. On strong infinite Sidon and Bh sets and random sets of integers. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 182, Art. 105460 (2021).
- S. Mijares, E. Ventura, "Onto extensions of free groups", Journal of Groups, Complexity, Cryptology 13(1) (2021), 2:1--2:15.
- A. Martino, M. Tointon, M. Valiunas, E. Ventura: Probabilistic nilpotence in infinite groups. Israel Journal of Mathematics 244: 539-588 (2021).
- M. Roy, E. Ventura: Degrees of compression and inertia for free-abelian times free groups. Journal of Algebra 568: 241-272 (2021).
- J. Pfeifle: Large final polynomial from integer programming. .
- A. Abiad, S. Gribling, D. Lahaye, M. Mnich, G. Regts, L. Vena, G. Verweij, P. Zwaneweld. On the complexity of solving a decision problem with flow-depending costs: The case of the IJsselmeer dike. Discrete Optimization 37, Art. 100565 (2020).
- K. Böröczky, M. Matolcsi, I. Ruzsa, F. Santos, O. Serra. Triangulations and a Discrete Brunn–Minkowski Inequality in the Plane.
- M. Delcourt, M. Heinrich, G. Perarnau. The Glauber dynamics for edges colourings of trees. Random Structures & Algorithms, 57(4):1050--1076 (2020).
- J.Rué, C. Spiegel: On a problem of Sárközy and Sós for multivariate linear forms. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 36 (7): 2107–2119 (2020).
- J. Cilleruelo, O. Serra, M. Wötzel: Sidon set systems. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 36 (5): 1527–1548 (2020).
- M. Noy, C. Requilé, J. Rué: Further results on random cubic planar graphs. Random Structures and Algorithms 56 (3): 892-924 (2020).
- M. Roy, E. Ventura: Fixed subgroups and computation of auto-fixed closures in free-abelian times free groups", J. of Pure and Appl. Alg. 224 (4): 106-210 (2020).
- J. Wu, E. Ventura, Q. Zhang, "Fixed subgroups in direct products of surface groups of Euclidean type", Communications in Algebra 48 (7): 3003 - 3010 (2020).
- S. Ball, B. Csajbok. On sets of points with few odd secants. Combinatorics, Probability, Computing, 29: 31-43 (2020).
- G. Chapuy and G. Perarnau. Local convergence and stability of tight bridge-addable graph classes. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 72(3):563--601 (2020).
- M. Coulson, P. Keevash, G. Perarnau, L. Yepremyan. Rainbow factors in hypergraphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 172:105--184 (2020).
- C. Kusch, J. Rué, C. Spiegel, T. Szabó: On the optimality of the uniform random strategy. Random Structures and Algorithms 55 (2): 371-401 (2019) .
- M. Noy, C. Requilé, J. Rué: Enumeration of labelled 4-regular planar graphs. To appear at Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 119 (2): 358-378
- G. Chapuy, G. Perarnau. Connectivity in bridge-addable graph classes: the McDiarmid-Steger-Welsh conjecture. J. of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 136 (C):44-71 (2019).
- M. Coulson, G. Perarnau. Rainbow matchings in Dirac bipartite graphs. Random Structures and Algorithms 55(2):271-289 (2019).
- S. Ball: On sets defining few ordinary planes. Discrete and Computational Geometry, 60 (2018), p. 220-253.
- S. Ball: Extending small arcs to large arcs, European Journal of Mathematics, 4 (2018) 8-25.
- S. Ball: Review of Larry Guth's "Polynomial Methods in Combinatorics" in Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 120 (2018) 147-150.
- S. Ball, M. Lavrauw: Planar arcs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 160 (2018) 261-287.
- A. Lladó: Decomposing almost complete graphs by random tree. Journal of combinatorial theory, Series A, Vol. 154, p. 406-421.
- P. Heinig, T. Müller, M. Noy, A. Taraz: Logical limit laws for minor-closed classes of graphs. Journal of combinatorial theory. Series B, Vol. 130, p. 158-206.
- T. Müller, M. Noy: The first order convergence fails for perfect random graphs. Random Structures & Algorithms 53 (4) (2018): 717-727.
- J. Rué, C. Spiegel, A. Zumalacárregui Threshold functions for systems of equations on random sets. Mathematische Zeitschrift 288 (1-2) (2018), 333-36
- J. Delgado, E. Ventura, A. Zakharov, "Intersection problem for Droms RAAGs", International Journal of Algebra and Computation 28 (2018), 1129--1162
Published Papers (Selection 2014-2017)
- Y. Antolín, A. Martino, E. Ventura, "Degree of commutativity of infinite groups", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (2): 479 - 485 (2017)
- B. Cavallo, J. Delgado, D. Kahrobaei, E. Ventura, "Algorithmic recognition of infinite cyclic extensions", Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 221 (2017), 2157--2179
- M. Drmota, L. Ramos, J. Rué: Subgraph statistics in subcritical graph classes. Random Structures & Algorithms 51 (4) (2017): 631-673.
- J. Martí-Farré, A. de Mier: Transformation and decomposition of clutters into matroids. Advances in Mathematics 312 (2017), 286–314.
- J. Burillo, F. Matucci, E. Ventura: The conjugacy problem in extensions of Thompson's group F. Israel Journal of Mathematics 216 (2017), 15–59.
- Y. Antolín, A. Martino, E. Ventura: Degree of commutativity of infinite groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (2017), 479–485.
- J. Rué, O. Serra, Ll. Vena: Counting configuration-free sets on groups. European Journal of Combinatorics 66 (2017), 281-307.
- S. Ball, J. de Beule: On subsets of the Normal Rational Curve. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (2017), 3658–3662.
- S. Ball: Finite geometry and combinatorial applications. Cambridge University Press 2015.
- Y. Antolín, J. Burillo, A. Martino: Conjugacy in Houghton's groups. Publicacions Matemàtiques 59 (2015), 3-16.
- M. Noy, J. Rué, V. Ravelomanana: On the probability of planarity of a random graph near the critical point. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 925–936.
- K. Böröczky, F. Santos, O. Serra: On sumsets and convex hull. Pages: Discrete and Computational Geometry 52 (2014), 705–729.
- M. Drmota, O. Giménez, M. Noy, K. Panagiotou, A. Steger: The maximum degree of random planar graphs. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 109 (2014), 892-920.