1st GAPCOMB Workshop

Official webpage of the 1st GAPCOMB Workshop that was held 17-18 June 2019 in Campelles



1st Workshop on Geometric, Algebraic and Probabilistic Combinatorics

17-18 June 2019, Campelles 



The first edition of the workshop organised by the research group GAPCOMB at UPC will be held in Campelles on 17-18 June 2019.


Scientific Commitee: 

Ignasi Sau (Montpellier, France)
Dimitrios Thilikos (Montpellier, France)
Marc Noy (chair) (UPC, Spain)
Lluís Vena (Charles University Praha, Chech Republic)


Organising Committee (UPC)

Guillem Perarnau 
Juanjo Rué
Oriol Serra 
Christoph Spiegel


Location: Sala Polivalent, Ajuntament de Campelles.



9:00-09:30: meeting and breakfast
9:30-11:30: short presentations by postgraduate students
      - Alberto Larrauri, First order logic of sparse random graphs 
      - Thomas Lesgourgues, Random graph with given degree sequence - an introduction to switching double counting.
      - Erkan Narmanli, Peeling of transversal structures
      - Vasiliki Velona, Recovering the past of a network
      - Maximilian Wötzel, Local Expansion in Graphs with Symmetry
      - Matthew Coulson, Zero-free regions in the ferromagnetic Potts model
      - Christoph Spiegel, On the Odd Cycle Game and Connected Rules
11:30-12:00: coffee break
12:00-13:30: presentation of open problems (chairman: Oriol Serra)
13:30-15:00: lunch
15:00-18:00: working session

9:00-09:30: breakfast
9:30-10:00: Lluís Vena, On some extremal families for the Kruskal-Katona theorem.
10:00-10:30: Marc Noy, Preparing applications for postdoc and junior positions
10:30-13:00: working session  
13:00-14:30: lunch and departure

Registration: 160 euros standard registration, 110 euros for students. The registration fee includes accommodation and meals. Please contact Guillem Perarnau or Oriol Serra to proceed with the payment.

Participants: Juanjo Rué, Marc Noy, Oriol Serra, Simeon Ball, Anna de Mier, Enric Ventura, Guillem Perarnau, Vasiliki Velona, Christoph Spiegel, Gonzalo Fiz, Max Woetzel, Ignasi Sau, Dimitrios Thilikos, Lluis Vena, Oznur Yasar Diner, Matthew Coulson, Erkan Narmanli, Adrien Perrel, Thomas Lesgourgues, Alberto Larrauri.





We are grateful to the Ajuntament de Campelles that has generously ceded the room where the workshop will take place.

We also want to thank Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya for its support to early career participants.