2nd GAPCOMB Workshop

Official webpage of the 2nd GAPCOMB Workshop that was held 12-14 July 2021 in Montserrat


2nd Workshop on Geometric, Algebraic and Probabilistic Combinatorics 

12-14th July 2021, Montserrat, Catalunya 



Second edition of the workshop organised by the research group GAPCOMB at UPC. This edition has been finantially supported by the Department of Mathematics at UPC, as well as Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


The first edition was organized in Campelles in June 2019. 

Scientific Commitee: 

Anna de Mier (UPC, chair)

Arnau Padrol (Jussieu, Paris)

Vincent Pilaud (Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS) 

Ignasi Sau (CNRS and Université of Montpellier)

Organising Committee (UPC)

Juanjo Rué (chair)
Marc Noy  
Maximilian Wötzel
Clément Requilé 
Matthew Coulson

Location: Monestir de Montserrat

Programme: the program is available now on this pdf

Registration: 350 euros standard registration, 150 euros for students. The registration fee includes accommodation, meals, coffee breaks and the travel from UPC at Barcelona to Montserrat (two ways). Please contact Guillem Perarnau or Oriol Serra to proceed with the payment.

Participants: (confirmed participants, 10/06/2021)

Juanjo Rué, Marc Noy, Maximilian Wötzel, Clément Requilé, Matthew Coulson, Simeon Ball, Miquel Ortega, Lluis Vena, Jordi Castellvi, Alex Miranda, Enric Ventura, Anna de Mier, Dimitrios Thilikos, Oriol Serra, Guillem Perarnau, Patrick Morris, Ricard Vilar

A photo of part of the participants the first day of the meeting


 A moment of discussion on the workshop